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St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy Grosvenor Road, Dalton, Huddersfield, HD5 9HU

01484 531669

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Loving and serving together in the light of God's love

Year 6: St Anne

About St. Anne - Patron Saint Article

 Welcome to Year 6!

Class teacher: Miss Barnes 

Learning support: Mrs Sieradzan

Useful information

  • Homework is provided each Friday to be completed and returned by the following Friday.
  • Weekly spellings are provided each Monday, applied in written tasks and tested on the following Monday. 
  • P.E. kits need to be in school at all times to provide the correct uniform for P.E./Sport Coaches/Extra Curricular Activities.
  • Please ensure your child has a labelled water bottle each day in school.

Home Learning  

 TT Rockstars

Electronic Books

Purple Mash

SATS Companion

Importance of Reading

Reasons to Read with your Children Poster / Handout

Spring 2 Learning 


This term, our class have linked our science curriculum with English and we will therefore be focusing on the biography of Charles Darwin. Within this, we will be focusing on passive and active sentences. 

In reading we are developing the full range of comprehension skills, ensuring we are using evidence from the text to answer questions effectively, learning to skim and scan to find evidence within the text quickly.


This term we are focusing on fractions, decimals and percentages. Every day, we will be continuing our arithmetic daily lessons. The children will be tested on their arithmetic skills every Friday. 


This term we are studying biology, learning about adaptation and evolution. We will look at plant, animal and human adaptation and evolution and the theories of Charles Darwin.


We are learning about world biomes, with a focus on the rainforest, temperate deciduous forests and desert biomes. We will learn about how climate zones and geographical location influences different biomes, as well as carrying out a geographical field trip to a local woodland to carry out hands on learning and investigation of our local biome.


This term we are focusing on Jesus the Messiah, using the bible to explore how Jesus is both God and human and finding biblical evidence for this. We will also consider the importance of Lent before exploring the Easter story, making links to the New Covenant and how the Resurrection of Jesus is important to our lives today.


We are thinking about ways to keep ourselves healthy, both in mind and body and why this is important to help us develop and be happy.


We are using electrical systems to design and create our own doodle bugs.


This term we have a sports coach in on Wednesdays for team games and in our other PE lesson we will be focusing on invasion games.


We are continuing our work on exploring and using databases to sort data and answer questions effectively. 

Our Previous Work