St. Patrick's
Welcome to Year 3/4's Class Page!
Class Teacher: Miss Morley
SEN Support: Miss Washington/Miss Bryden
PPA Teacher: Mrs Batters
We are working hard to become a paperless school so please check regularly for updates.
Useful information:
- Homework will be added to Purple Mash to be completed as and when. This will be based on the children's most recent learning. 5 dojos will be awarded for each piece of homework completed.
- Weekly spellings are provided on Spelling Shed each Friday, applied in written tasks during the week and tested on the following Friday.
- P.E. kits should be worn to school on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure that your child dresses appropriately for the weather. Uniform does not need to be brought in on these days.
Please listen to your child read regularly. Evidence suggests that reading for pleasure leads to increased attainment (Clark and DeZoya 2011).
- In June, all children in year 4 have to complete the Multiplication Timetables Check (MTC). To support your child with this please ensure they log on TT Rockstars at home and complete the Soundcheck activity regularly.
Please refer to the Y3/4 parent information sheet for more information.