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St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy Grosvenor Road, Dalton, Huddersfield, HD5 9HU

01484 531669

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Welcome to Year 1

St Christopher's Class 

Learning and serving together in the light of God's love

Class Teacher: Miss Joyce

Support staff: Mrs Ellis, Mrs Horn and Mrs Macken

Useful information:

Weekly Spellings are provided each Friday, applied in spelling lessons and tested the following Friday. Your child has a login they can use to practice their spellings on the following website: Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - The Science of Spelling

P.E kits should be in school at all times, our allocated sessions are on  Mondays and Thursdays

Electronic books are provided for each child and accessible through the following link using your child's personal login details:

Library Books are changed on a Friday

Important upcoming dates - Spring term 2:

7th March - World Book Day - children bring in £1 and dress up in Pyjamas or fancy dress and bring in a bedtime story. 

19th March - St Joseph's Day Mass at 9.30am and  Easter Egg Raffle.

19th and 21st March - Parents' Evening. Appointments can be booked online. See newsletter.

22nd March - Class Assembly at 9:15am parents are very welcome to attend.

25th March - End of Term Mass at 9:30am parents are very welcome to attend. World Maths Day

Thursday 28th March - break up for Easter holidays


Curriculum (Spring 2)


Our English books this half term focus on London. We are reading Katie in London, and doing lots of writing surrounding this book. 


This half term we are focusing on place value within 50, Length and height and mass and volume. 


This half term we are studying materials. We will learn what things are made of, properties of different materials. We will do an experiment to test which materials are suitable to protect an egg from breaking and what material would be best to make a house from. 


We are learning about the history of the Great Fire of London. We will learn about how it happened, why and what we learnt from the Great Fire of London which shaped the way houses are built today. 


This half term we are focusing on learning about Lent, the Mass and the Easter story. 

PSHCE - Jigsaw

Our topic this half term is Healthy Me. We are thinking about how to keep healthy, discussing diet, exercise, keeping clean and sleeping. 


We are using paper to make 3D artwork pieces. We will be doing lots of bending rolling and sticking to create these pieces, as well as collaborating on a huge class project to make a sculpture of a giant spider. 


This term we have a sports coach in on Wednesdays for team games and in our other PE lesson we will be focusing on creating dance.


In our music lessons this half term we will focus on finding the beat in music and songs as well as learning some new songs to sing. 

Past work

Some exciting things we did last half term are pictured below. We made puppets in Design and Technology, we followed instructions to make marmalade sandwiches in Literacy and we planted cress seeds in Science.